Orden del día:

Lectura del Acta del V Congreso de Cartagena.

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Congreso de la International Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery

Dra. Graciela Zúccaro electa Presidenta de la International Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery

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3er Congreso Internacional de Neurocirugía del Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez

3er Congreso Internacional de Neurocirugía del Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez

Del 11 al 13 de Diciembre del 2013 en Puerto Vallarta, México


Para más información dirigirse a la siguiente dirección:


  •  Dr. Fernando Chico Ponce de león
  •  Dr. James Goodrich

Invitados de Honor

  •  Dr. Maurice Choux
  •  Dr. Patrick Dhellemmes
  •  Dr. Concezio Di Rocco


FIRST DAY -  12.11.2013

7:00 to

8:00 AM


8:30 to

9:00 AM

CNS tumor module

President. Dr. Fernando Rueda Franco

Secretary. Dr. Vicente González Carranza

9:00 to

9:30 AM

Plenary Session: Beginning of the first series of conferences

Prof. Maurice Choux: State of pediatric neurosurgery in the world

9:30 to

9:40 AM

First presentation

Prof. Maurice Choux: Life precis

Dr. Fernando Chico Ponce de León

9:40 to

9:50 AM  

Second presentation
Prof. Concezio DiRocco: Present day treatment of thalamic tumors

9:50 to

10:00 AM  

Third presentation
Dr. Gerardo Guinto Balanzar: Transseptosphenoidal hypophysiary surgery

10:00 to

10:10 AM  

Fourth presentation
Dr. Sergio Cavalheiro: Present day treatment of brainstem tumors

10:10 to

10:20 AM  

Fifth presentation
Dr. Graciela Zuccaro: Present day treatment of craniopharyngiomas

10:20 to

10:30 AM  

Sixth presentation
Dr. Griselda Ramírez: Hypothalamic tumors

10:30 to

10:40 AM  

Seventh presentation
Prof. Jean Claude Marchal: Brain tumors in France

10:40 to

10:50 AM  

Eighth presentation
Dr. Ricardo de Oliveira: Present day treatment of pediatric meningiomas

10:50 to

11:00 AM  

Ninth presentation
Dr. Vicente González Carranza: Widened transfrontal access  to craniopharyngiomas

11:00 to

11:50 AM  

Visit to stands and coffee recess
President: Dr. José Manuel Muñoz Tagle
Secretary: Dr. Blanca Santana Montero

11:50 to

12:20 PM  

Plenary Session: Beginning of the second series
Professor Patrick Dhellemmes: Approaches to orbitary lesions

12:20 to

12:30 PM  

First presentation
Prof. Patrick Dhellemmes: Life precis
Dr. Fernando Chico Ponce de León

12:30 to

12:40 PM  

Second presentation
Dr. James T. Goodrich: Historical perspective of intracranial tumors

12:40 to

12:50 PM  

Third presentation
Prof. Jean Claude Marchal: Neurinomas of oculomotor nerves

12:50 to

1:00 PM  

Fourth presentation
Dr. Jaime Diegopérez: Giant brain tumors

1:00 to

1:10 PM  

Fifth presentation
Dr. Jaime Torres Corzo: Endoscopy in brain tumors

1:10 to

1:20 PM  

Sixth presentation
Professor Ulrich Thomale: Tractography of brain tumors

1:20 to

1:30 PM  

Seventh presentation
Professor Ulrich Thomale: Glioblastoma multiforme

1:30 to

1:40 PM  

Eighth presentation
Dr. Fredy González Pola: Microsurgical anatomy of pineal region

1:40 to

1:50 PM  

Ninth presentation
Dr. Derek Bruce: Technique for accessing pineal region

1:50 to

3:40 PM  

Lunch recess
Craniostenosis module    President: Guillermo Quintana Roldán
Secretary: Dr. Ricardo Valdés Orduño

3:40 to

4:10 PM  

Plenary Session. Beginning of the third series
Prof. Concezio DiRocco: Present day approaches to plagiocephaly

4:10 to

4:20 PM  

First presentation
Prof. Concezio DiRocco: Life precis
Dr. Fernando Chico Ponce de León;

4:20 to

4:30 PM  

Second presentation
Dr. James T. Goodrich: The best age to operate craniostenoses

4:30 to

4:40 PM  

Third presentation
Professor Christian Sainte-Rose: Endrocranial hypertension in craniostenoses

4:40 to

4:50 PM  

Fourth presentation
Dr. Arthur Da Cunha: Surgical technique for scaphocephaly

4:50 to

5:00 PM  

Fifth presentation
Dr. Tenoch Herrada Pineda: Treatment of late scaphocephaly

5:00 to

5:10 PM  

Sixth presentation
Dr. Nelci Zenon: Dynamic osteotomies in craniostenosis

5:10 to

5:20 PM  

Seventh presentation
Dr. Javier Terrazo y Lluch: Technique for trigonocephaly

5:20 to

5:30 PM  

Eighth presentation
Dr. Enrique Ochoa Díaz López: Present day treatment of syndromatic craniostenoses

5:30 to

5:40 PM  

Ninth presentation
Dr. José Hinojosa: Craniostenoses in Spain

5:40 to

6:30 PM  

Visit to stands and recess for coffee

6:30 to

8:30 PM  

Midas Rex milling hands on
Dr. James T. Goodrich
8:30 PM   Dinner

SECOND DAY - 12.12.2013 

7:00 to

8:00 Am

Epilepsy treatment module

President: Dr. Samuel Torres García

Secretary: Dr. Noé Oroza Hernández

8:00 to

8:30 AM  

Plenary Session: Beginning of the first series of conferences
Dr. James T. Goodrich: Surgery of craniopagi

8:30 to

8:40 AM  

First presentation
Dr. Ricardo de Oliveira: Precise cerebral ablation required in Rolandic epilepsy

8:40 to

8:50 AM  

Second presentation
Prof. Concezio DiRocco: Surgery of epileptogenic porencephalic cysts

8:50 to

9:00 AM  

Third presentation
Dr. Samuel Torres García: Callosotomies: experience at Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez

9:00 to

9:10 AM   

Fourth presentation
Dr. José Carrillo Ruiz: Stimulation of thalamic centromedian nucleus in epilepsy

9:10 to

9:20 AM  

Fifth presentation
Dr. Antonio García Méndez: Hemispherectomies

9:20 to

9:30 AM  

Sixth presentation
Dr. Mario Alonso Vanegas: Precise cerebral ablation required in temporal lobe epilepsy

9:30 to

9:40 AM  

Seventh presentation
Dr. Antonio Zárate Méndez: Vagal stimulation in epilepsy

9:40 to

9:50 AM  

Eighth presentation
Dr. Sergio Valenzuela: Callosotomy; experience at Instituto Asenjo of Chile

9:50 to

10:00 AM  

Ninth presentation
Dr. Arturo Zuleta: Functional hemyspherectomy in epilpesy

10:00 to

10:50 AM  

Visit to stands and coffee recess
Hydrocephaly and endoscopy  module    President: Dr. David Guerrero  Suárez
Secretary: Dr. Alberto de Montesinos Samperio

10:50 to

11:20 AM  

Plenary Session, Beginning of the second series
Prof. Giuseppe Cinalli: Uses of endoscopic III ventriculostomy

11:20 to

11:30 AM  

First presentation
Dr. Francisco Salomão: Suprasellar cysts

11:30 to

11:40 AM  

Second presentaction
Dr. Graciela Zuccaro: Multiloculated hydrocephaly

11:40 to

11:50 AM  

Third presentation
Dr. Roberto Rodríguez De La Vechia: Endoscopy in congenital hydrocephaly

11:50 to

12:00 PM  

Fourth presentation
Dr. Jaime Torres Corzo: Endoscopic features of congenital aqueductal stenosis

12:00 to

12:10 PM  

Fifth presentation
Dr. David Guerrero Suárez: Endoscopic treatment of neurocysticercosis

12:10 to

12:20 PM  

Sixth presentation
Dr. José Antonio Ramírez Ceballos: Endoscopic III ventriculostomy vs. DVP in less than 6 months

12:20 to

12:30 PM  

Seventh presentation
Prof. Giuseppe Cinalli: Endoscopic surgery of aracnoid cysts

12:30 to

12:40 PM  

Eighth presentation
Dr. Sergio Cavalheiro: Aqueductoplasty

12:40 to

12:50 PM  

Ninth presentation
Dr. Neici Zenon: Endoscopy in vestibular dysfunctions

12:50 to

2:40 PM  

Visit to stands and lunch recess
Vascular malformations module    President: Dr. Edmundo Rocha Rivero
Secretary: Dr. Josué Hernández

2:40 to

3:10 PM  

Plenary Session, Beginning of the third series
Prof. Christian Sainte-Rose: Multiple trepans in Moya Moya’s disease

3:10 to

3:20 PM  

First presentation
Dr. Graciela Zuccaro: Arteriovenous malformations during the first year of life

3:20 to

3:30 PM  

Second presentation
Dr. Aldo Hernández Valencia: Endovascular neurosurgery in arteriorvenous malformations of the child

3:30 to

3:40 PM  

Third presentation
Dr. Luis Felipe Gordillo Domínguez: Radiosurgery in arteriorvenous malformations

3:40 to

3:50 PM  

Fourth presentation
Dr. Mario Rodríguez Murillo: Cavernomas of CNS

3:50 to

4:00 PM  

Fifth presentation
Dr. Roberto Jaimovich: Cerebral arterial aneurismata of the child

4:00 to

4:10 PM  

Sixth presentation
Dr. Germán Posadas Narro: Microsurgical treatment of cerebral vascular malformations

4:10 to

4:20 PM  

Seventh presentation
Dr. Edgar Nathal Vera: Integral treatment of arteriovenous malformations

4:20 to

4:30 PM  

Eighth presentation
Prof. Christian Sainte-Rose: When to use surgery and when to use endovascular surgery in the case of brain aneurysms

4:30 to

4:40 PM  

Ninth presentation
Dr. José Hinojosa: Emergency surgery in arteriovenous malformations

4:40 to

4:50 PM  

Visit to stands and coffee recess

4:50 to

5:50 PM  

Midas Rex milling hands on
Dr. James T. Goodrich
8:00 PM Dinner

THIRD DAY - 12.12.2013 

7:00 to

8:00 AM

 Trauma module President: Dr. Edmundo Rocha Rivero
Secretary: Dr. José Luis Pérez Gómez

8:00 to

8:30 AM  

Plenary Session: Beginning of the first series of conferences
Dr. Fernando Rueda Franco: History of pediatric neurosurgery in Mexico

8:30 to

8:40 AM  

First presentation
Dr. José Antonio Julião: Fatal extradural hematomas

8:40 to

8:50 AM  

Second presentation
Dr. Derek Bruce: Severe cranial trauma in children. Pathophysiology and treatment

8:50 to

9:00 AM  

Third presentation
Professor Ulrich Thomale: Decompressive craniectomy in severe cranial trauma

9:00 to

9:10 AM  

Fourth presentation
Dr. Guzmán Aranda González: Leptomeningeal cysts; evolving cranial fractures

9:10 to

9:20 AM  

Fifth presentation
Dr. Mario Rodríguez Murillo: Impact of cranial trauma on neural development

9:20 to

9:30 AM  

Sixth presentation
Dr. Germán Ballesteros Cuevas: Large cranial defect correction with diploic division method

9:30 to

9:40 AM  

Seventh presentation
Prof. Christian Sainte-Rose: Hematomas of posterior fossa in neonates

9:40 to

9:50 AM  

Eighth presentation
Doctor Benício Oton de Lima: Surgical indications in closed cranial trauma

9:50 to

10:00 AM  

Ninth presentation
Dr. José Hinojosa
Spinal and spinal cord trauma: present day neurosurgical treatment.

10:00 to

10:50 AM  

Visit to stands and coffee recess
Radiosurgery module    President: Dr. Mario Calvit
Secretary: Dr. Dulce Espinoza Díaz

10:50 to

11:20 AM  

Plenary sesión: Beginning of the second series
Dr. José Manuel Muñoz Tagle: History of pediatric neurosurgery at Hospital de la Raza

11:20 to

11:30 AM  

First presentation
Dr. Samuel Torres García: Brain radiosurgery; Experience at HIMFG

11:30 to

11:40 AM  

Second presentation
Dr. Vicente González Carranza: Radiosurgical callosotomy vs. open surgery

11:40 to

11:50 AM  

Third presentation
Dr. Miguel Angel Celis: Arteriovenous malformations; radiosurgical treatment of the child

11:50 to

12:00 PM  

Fourth presentation
Dr. Sergio Moreno: Brain tumor radiosurgery of the child

12:00 to

12:10 PM  

Fifth presentation
Doctor Luis Felipe Gordillo Domínguez: Radiosurgery in brain tumors; experience at HIMFG

12:10 to

12:20 PM  

Sixth presentation
Dr. Luis García Muñoz: Hippocampectomy using radiosurgery in relapsing epilepsy of temporal lobe

12:20 to

12:30 PM  

Seventh presentation
Dr. Tadanori Tomita: Interstitial brachytherapy with Intrabeam® (Zeiss) in brain tumors of the child

12:30 to

12:40 PM  

Eighth presentation

12:40 to

12:50 PM  

Ninth presentation

12:50 to

2:40 PM  

Visit to stands and lunch recess
Myelodisplasias module    President: Dr. Jaime Trueba
Secretary: Dr. Miguel A. Vaca Ruiz

2:40 to

3:10 PM  

Plenary Session: Beginning of the third series
Dr. Clemente Robles Castillo: Life precis
Dr. José Gutiérrez Cabrera

3:10 to

3:20 PM  

First presentation
Dr. Francisco Salomão: Embryopathogenesis and physiopathology of dysraphysms

3:20 to

3:30 PM  

Second presentation
Dr. Ricardo de Oliveira: Neuroenteric cysts

3:30 to

3:40 PM  

Third presentation
Prof. Concezio DiRocco: Present day treatment of myelomeningocele

3:40 to

3:50 PM  

Fourth presentation
Dr. Alfonso Marhx Bracho: Present day treatment of myelolipomas

3:50 to

4:00 PM  

Fifth presentation
Dr. Derek Bruce: Retethered cord; neurosurgical indications

4:00 to

4:10 PM  

Sixth presentation
Dr. Nelci Zenon: In utero surgery of myelomeningocele

4:10 to

4:20 PM  

Seventh presentation
Dr. Guillermo Quintana Roldán: Diastematomyelia

4:20 to

4:30 PM  

Eighth presentation
Dr. José Molina: Hydrocephaly in myelomeningocele

4:30 to

4:40 PM  

Ninth presentation
Dr. Salvador Cuéllar: History pf pediatric neurosurgery at Hospital General de México

4:40 to

4:50 PM  

Visit to stands and coffee recess

4:50 to

5:50 PM  

Midas Rex milling hands on:
Dr. James T. Goodrich
8:00 PM   Dinner


Orden del día:

Lectura del Acta del V Congreso de Cartagena.

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Congreso de la International Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery

Dra. Graciela Zúccaro electa Presidenta de la International Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery

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